
The Liberal Arts Department’s mission is to provide competent graduates in the field of Liberal education in the humanities and sciences. The following are the objectives of the department: help the students become aware of and develop his/her God-given faculties and capacities so that he/she is able to communicate his/her ideas effectively; becomes creative and critical thinker and effective catalyst of change for the betterment of the people and the community around him/her; understands and appreciates Filipino culture and values so that he/she develops a sense of  national identity, while accepting the cultural plurality of the Filipino people; and understands and be faithful to the teachings of the faith he/she has embraced and be able to live in peace and harmony with others, respecting the freedom to worship God.


  • Help students equip themselves with managerial leadership for planning, organizing, and demonstrating instructional skills and strategies to translating national development goals into a viable program of instruction through a relevant curriculum.
  • Acquire a liberal education in the humanities and sciences and competence in the specific academic field of study he/she choose to pursue.
  • Become aware of and develop their God-given faculties and capacities so that he/she is able to:
  • Communicate his/her ideas effectively:
  • Become a creative and critical thinkers, and
  • Become an effective catalysts of change actively working for the betterment of the people and the community around him/her
  • Understand and appreciate Filipino culture and values and develop a sense of national identity while promoting the cultural plurality of the Filipino people.
  • Understand and be faithful to the teachings of the faith they have embraced and be able to live in peace and harmony with others, respecting the freedom to worship.


  • Help students become professional law enforcement administrators who are responsive to the law and order needs of the community.
  • Help students develop higher concepts of citizenry, leadership and accountability and an understanding of their moral and legal responsibility to their fellowmen.


  • Provide undergraduate students with a solid basic foundation on the major areas of psychology which may also be used as preparation for further studies and training in particular specialization of psychology or other professions such as education, law and business management.

why choose

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Most frequent questions and answers

The MOA will serve as basis of agreement between the parent and NDJC that will allow students to enroll without the entrance exam requirement as long as their son/ daughter will take it when it will be available. Students who did not take the entrance exam should meet the general average requirement of their course of choice. Once they take the entrance exam, the students should meet the required percentile rank (PR) of their course of choice. If they did not meet the PR requirement, they will be forced to shift to other courses. This is why they need to do good on their entrance exam. Because PA is a course requirement.

The MOA on NAT compliance will be given to the BS Nursing enrollees. The content of the MOA is an agreement between the parent/ guardian and NDJC to sllow the student to enroll in BSN without the NAT as long as they take and PASS the NAT when it will be available. If they did not pass the NAT, they will be forced to shift next semester. This is why they should do good on their NAT.

Submission of requirements is located at the Audio Visual Room or Bishop Ben Hall. The SDPC personnel in charge will hand the MOA on NAT compliance to parents/ guardians whose sons/ daughters will enroll in BSN. They will sign the MOA and submit it to the SDPC personnel.

Yes. You can still enroll as long as the parent/ guardian signs the MOA on Entrance Exam Compliance and submit other enrollment requirements.