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Bachelor of Science in Commerce and
Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting
- Be competent in the application of theories, functions and practices of their chosen field in the business sciences.
- Be competent and effective entrepreneurs in Jolo as well as neighboring places, thus providing for their needs and contributing to the economic development of the region.
- Become aware of their responsibilities in promoting high ethical and moral standards in the business community.
Accountancy Program
- Produce competent, just and honest accounting professionals
- Provide the students with the knowledge and proficiency in preparation for the CPA Board Examination.
- Develop students to become globally competitive professionals aware of their duties and responsibilities so as to become effective and useful members of society.
why choose
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Most frequent questions and answers
The MOA will serve as basis of agreement between the parent and NDJC that will allow students to enroll without the entrance exam requirement as long as their son/ daughter will take it when it will be available. Students who did not take the entrance exam should meet the general average requirement of their course of choice. Once they take the entrance exam, the students should meet the required percentile rank (PR) of their course of choice. If they did not meet the PR requirement, they will be forced to shift to other courses. This is why they need to do good on their entrance exam. Because PA is a course requirement.
The MOA on NAT compliance will be given to the BS Nursing enrollees. The content of the MOA is an agreement between the parent/ guardian and NDJC to sllow the student to enroll in BSN without the NAT as long as they take and PASS the NAT when it will be available. If they did not pass the NAT, they will be forced to shift next semester. This is why they should do good on their NAT.
Submission of requirements is located at the Audio Visual Room or Bishop Ben Hall. The SDPC personnel in charge will hand the MOA on NAT compliance to parents/ guardians whose sons/ daughters will enroll in BSN. They will sign the MOA and submit it to the SDPC personnel.
Yes. You can still enroll as long as the parent/ guardian signs the MOA on Entrance Exam Compliance and submit other enrollment requirements.