College Enrollment Requirements:

Bring the following requirements

  • (1) copy Form 138 (Original Copy)
  • (1) copy Certificate of Good Moral (Original Copy)
  • (1) Long white folder
  • (2) Photocopies Birth Certificate (PSA Authenticated)
  • (2) Passport size with blue background and nametag
  • NDJC School Clinic Medical Clearance
  • Drug Test Result (BS Nursing, BS Midwifery, BS Pharmacy, BS Criminology, BS Information Technology, BS Computer Engineering)
  • Entrance Exam Result
  • NAT Result for BS Nursing applicants

Senior High Enrollment Requirements:

Bring the following requirements

  • Birth Certificate (PSA) – 4 copies
  • (2) Passport Size Photo (Blue Background with Name Tag)
  • Entrance Exam Result
  • White Long Folder

Enrollment Steps:

  1. Profiling (at Computer Laboratory)

Students will be required to fill out a profiling sheet and fill out the profile form on ISMIS at the computer center.


  1. Submission of Requirements (at Student Development and Placement Center)

Students will submit the  requirements at the SPDC office.

  1. Admission (at Student Development and Placement Center)

Once requirement is complete. SPDC will admit the students on ISMIS. They will be given a Permit to Enroll by SDPC.


  1. Tagging of Account (at Registrar’s Office)

Students will proceed to the registrar and present their permit to enrol. The registrar’s office will tag the account of the student.


  1. Payment (at Finance Office)

Student will pay the down payment.

  • PHP 2,000 for Non-Medical Courses
  • PHP 5,000 for Medical Courses