In response to the challenge of the International Conference on the Culture of Peace held in Manila in November of 1995 sponsored by the UNESCO, NDJC has formally launched its Peace Center on December 10, 1998 in commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Human Rights Day. With its peace program, it is hoped that a culture of peace be born among the people.

Because the people are the most affected by the absence of peace; because it is the people who are the beneficiaries of peace; and because the peace process is anchored on the people’s participation, each and every Filipino must recognize his or her task in the attainment of peace.

First and foremost, each and every one of us must understand the issues of peace. It is through a well-informed and conscious citizenry that the peace effort can be truly successful.

Therefore, as a component of its peace program, it is also focused the education not only in schools but also of the communities that are affected by conflict anchoring on the involvement and participation of all sectors of society. A community-based program enhancing and building the capabilities of the community leaders is imperative to make this endeavour a point of realization.


The GOAL of Peace Center is to develop a deep respect for religious beliefs and ethnic identities through the introduction of Culture of Peace among the people of Sulu.


  • Establish a functional Peace Center in Jolo. Train and develop school-based faculty and youth peace animators
  • Train and develop community-based peace animators
  • Enhance and build capacities of community leaders in Peace Building and Conflict Transformation

The Peace Center was created in response to the challenges on culture of peace through the formation of community and school- based peace animators. To effectively deliver its mission in building peace, it supports integration of peace education in the curriculum of the institution.


Training of Peace Animators

The program recognizes the important role of educators in promoting a culture of peace among students, parents and community members in Sulu and how this effort will impact towards creating a climate of peace in the bigger community in the province. Trained animators in peace building and conflict transformation will spearhead and lead peace building activities, the end view of which is to establish a peace network and institutionalize peace activities.

Community Activities

Community leaders will be trained to become peace animators in their respective communities to conduct and facilitate programs on culture of peace and conflict transformation.

Institution Building

A functional peace center based at Notre Dame of Jolo College established a permanent venue for peace research, education, dialogue and celebration.

With these peace programs, it is hoped that a culture off peace will be born where there is mutual respect for differences, both in religion and ethnicity, where dialogue will be the primary means of settling conflicts between individuals, clans and tribes.