4th Pinning Ceremony Marks Milestone for BEED and BSED Students at COE

✒️: Benjamin T. Akdam, and Yahya Ibrahim G. Yusop
✒️: Benjamin T. Akdam, and Yahya Ibrahim G. Yusop
The College of Education of Notre Dame of Jolo College held its fourth pinning ceremony for Natus ad Gloriam (Born to Glory) of Bachelor in Elementary Education, and Bachelor of Secondary Education majoring English and Filipino fourth-year students yesterday, October 05, 2024 at NDJC Main Campus covered court. This celebrated their progression toward becoming pre-service teachers. 
The event began with the processional of the colors, school administrators, the College Dean, Ms. Mitchelle Angeli S. Tarsum, LPT, MAEd, and faculty members, and the candidates for pre-service teachers together with their parents and guardians, and followed by the Muslim and Christian prayers.
They sang the Philippine national anthem and the Notre Dame hymn before Min Fahadz P. Kuyong from Bachelor in Elementary Education delivered his opening remarks. 
The College President, Fr. Eduardo M. Santoyo, OMI, Ph.D expressed gratitude to the faculty and the parents and guardians of the candidates for pre-service teachers in his inspirational message, emphasizing the glory of teaching as the noblest profession in line of the world’s celebration of Teachers’ Day. 
Messages of thanks were shared by Nardaliza A. Nasser from Bachelor in Elementary Education and Fatima Bianca A. Basaluddin from Bachelor in Secondary Education majoring English, acknowledging the support of teachers and parents and guardians, respectively.
Then, Ms. Qaswa J. Awali, LPT from College of Education provided an inspirational message to the soon-to-be educators, highlighting the call of profession to impart and serve the future individuals. After her speech, she received certificate and token of appreciation from the College. 
The ceremony culminated in the pinning of the pre-service teachers led by the College Dean and College President, symbolizing their commitment to the teaching profession.
Alongside the ceremony, the pre-service teachers presented intermission performances before the administrators, faculty members, and parents and guardians. 
The event highlighted the first ever signing of a Memorandum of Understanding from College President, College Dean, and the pinned pre-service teachers, setting the formal understanding of the teaching field itself. 
Batch song of Natus Ad Gloriam were sang, singing their transitional journey from students to pre-service teachers together with their gratitude to their loved ones and significant people behind their milestone. 
The College of Education Dean, Ms. Tarsum, LPT, MAEd extended her gratitude to the people behind the success of the ceremony through her special message before watched the batch video presentation and the juniors’ message video, separately. 
Abdelsamier K. Askali from Bachelor of Secondary Education majoring Filipino and the entire pre-service teachers swore a pledge of commitment before Khadjia A. Juhurie from Bachelor of Secondary Education majoring English delivered her closing remarks. 
Photo opportunities and early dinner of the administrators, the College of Education faculty members, Natus Ad Gloriam and their parents and guardians concluded the fourth pinning ceremony, cherishing the moment for celebration and commitment to take among the newly pinned pre-service teachers.